Russan Chester is a Tenth Generation NH Native that believes in New Hampshire, our state motto, and my town of Bedford.

I was fortunate to grow up in a community where we watched out for one another for no other reason than they were our friends and neighbors. I lived in that community for 40 years, moving back into my childhood home to care for my grandmother for the last 10 years of her life. I purchased my home more than 2 decades ago here in Bedford, because I wanted to afford my family the same opportunities I had been given.

Although I have always been a strong voice for those who are suffering and less fortunate, in 2021 you could find me in Concord observing (and often testifying) in various committee hearings on legislation that was important to my community and the people in it. It was during this time I became known as the Bedford Bulldog because of my willingness to be a strong presence, and to speak up when I felt it was necessary to be sure that Bedford had citizen representation during these hearings and every session.

I am running for State Rep in 2024 because I am in the season of my life where I have the ability to devote 100% of my time and energy to this position. I have spent the last 4 years learning the rich history of NH and Bedford, so that I am best prepared to serve the people of my community. I will be a candidate that will show up and take her oath of office seriously, a candidate who is willing to have the hard conversations with both the folks on the left and on the right. I will be a candidate that is not afraid of being respectfully challenged at any time during my servitude for our town of Bedford, as I look at all of these as opportunities for further growth.

I graduated from a 4 year Bachelor program in 2 years with honors from UNH Manchester, all while being a single parent/income household. My initial college experience from NH College (now SNHU) took me into the corporate world of finance and tax accounting, but due to significant changes to the economic landscape, it became necessary to rethink my career path.

Prior to graduation from UNH I was chosen to be a member of a pilot “externship” with the State of NH, and had the opportunity to work with an incredible group of innovators to allow me to become a strong leader and advocate. For over 30 years I worked with/for various corporate partners, non-profits, and social service agencies, and consider myself rich beyond belief for the opportunities that I have been afforded to have positively impacted so many lives during that time.

I am running for this position knowing that I am asking for you to believe that I will serve you and our community with nothing but the purest of intents, and I humbly ask for your vote on September 10, 2024 and again on November 5, 2024.